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Completion requirements

Title + Abstract + Introduction

Based on the feedback and recommendations from the previous class, you should submit the approved title + abstract (150-200 words) + Introduction (500–1000 words). 

To remember about the abstract:

It is a concise summary of the main sections of the paper. 
The tone should establish a level of intrigue that makes anyone who reads it want to keep reading. 
It represents a brief summary of the final project’s results. 
It should be adjusted after the final project has been written.  

Include 4-5 keywords below the abstract.

To remember about the introduction: 

It includes a brief description of the topic, the aim, the objectives and questions to be addressed: 
The aim provides a description of what you want to achieve from carrying out this project.
The objectives outlines particular issues that you need to address in order to achieve the aim. 
The questions are more specific than your research objectives and specify the various insights/information that need to be collected in order to achieve the objectives.