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Topic outline

    • This is an open forum where the students can ask questions to their professors or clarify doubts about the contents or organization of the course. 

    • General news and announcements from the professor and GBSB Global Academic Department.

  • Before Class 1:

  • Class 1: Course Introduction & Syllabus Overview

    • Title + Abstract + Introduction

      Based on the feedback and recommendations from the previous class, you should submit the approved title + abstract (150-200 words) + Introduction (500–1000 words). 

      To remember about the abstract:

      It is a concise summary of the main sections of the paper. 
      The tone should establish a level of intrigue that makes anyone who reads it want to keep reading. 
      It represents a brief summary of the final project’s results. 
      It should be adjusted after the final project has been written.  

      Include 4-5 keywords below the abstract.

      To remember about the introduction: 

      It includes a brief description of the topic, the aim, the objectives and questions to be addressed: 
      The aim provides a description of what you want to achieve from carrying out this project.
      The objectives outlines particular issues that you need to address in order to achieve the aim. 
      The questions are more specific than your research objectives and specify the various insights/information that need to be collected in order to achieve the objectives.

  • Class 2: Class Activities

  • Class 3: Class Activities

    • Topic + Abstract + Introduction + Literature Review / Preliminary Background Information + Approach/Methodology

      About Methodology/Project Approach:

      What are the main methods/approaches to employ to generate the results?

      This part will enable the audience to make an assessment as to the validity of the chosen research methodology/approach and will help you determine if the project is "doable" or needs to be more focused.

      It provides you as well an opportunity to justify the process by which the research questions or purpose of the project will be developed.  

      You should show what techniques are available, what are their advantages and disadvantages and what guides you to make the choice of that methodology.

      As well it will help you to establish a timeline on how you will conduct the project from inception through implementation and completion (what are the major steps and when will they occur?).

      Include how you will assess the outcome (impact of your project), and describe any barriers you will need to address.

      Mandatory - word or pdf file, containing all sections of your project proposal; ppt presentation
      Optional (not graded) - audio/video presentation of the proposal

  • Class 4: Class Activities

  • Class 5: Final Deliverable

  • Project Proposal: due date to be announced mid-term