Discussion/Individual Work:
Maliha Khalid, founder and CEO, Doctory CaseStudy
1. In your own words, how would you explain Maliha’s entrepreneurial journey?
2. In what ways does Maliha Khalid’s approach to life exemplify the entrepreneurial mindset advocated in this chapter? Does her approach differ in any ways?
3. Can you think of limitations you are placing on yourself that may be restricting your ability to achieve your goals? Name some specific examples.
4. How can you apply an entrepreneurial mindset to your life to help you break through these limitations in order to reach success?
Source: Maliha Khalid and Ayyaz Kiani (interview with the author, January 15, 2019)
o Group Size: 2-3
o 200-250 words per question
o To be uploaded individually on the VLE